Email Integration

Note: Prior to use, optionally you can set the following system settings to "True:" "Require Attachment Type on Claim Email," and "Require Attachment Type on Policy Email." Both of these are located in the Attachment folder in System Settings.


Email Integration will let users start an Email from within the Employee Web, where an Email Address exists. The Email and the replies are stored in the Diamond Attachment area. This process allows the E-Mailing of agents, policyholders and claimants from within Diamond versus users having to access their company Email System to send and receive Emails, the manually add them to Diamond Attachments.

Step 1: Company Configuration / System Email

  1. Email Server List: Add an Email Server List (e.g.,
  2. System Email Configuration List: Add your System Email to the configuration list (e.g., Automatic Email Attachment. )


Step 2: Company Configuration / Scheduler Runner / Job Setup & Job Execution Scheduler

Here, you need to set up a job in Scheduler Runner to add a job that runs every "X" minutes to add outgoing and incoming Emails to Diamond Attachments. From Add New Job:

Job Setup

Job Execution Scheduler


You can leave all of the other fields blank. Save your schedule.

Step 3: End of Day Processing / Process Email Attachments

You will need to add the Process Email Attachment Process to your End of Day Configuration. This is the EOD process that is called by the Scheduler Runner Job.

Step 4: Policy Processing / Claims

If Email Addresses have been set up for the policyholder, agent, producer or claimant, links will display for their Email Addresses. Click on the appropriate link:


Other Option

If an Email cannot be matched up to a claim or policy (due to the user removing the key from the Email), it can be accessed in File Manager and manually attached to the policy or claim. You will need to add File Manager to your Employee Web Menu Configuration (under Imaging).