Claim Drafts


A "Draft" is defined as a type of payment that, when presented to the bank, will require authorization from the company for the payment to be processed. This functionality allows you to set up a specific account for Claim Drafts and Manual Claim Draft payments then issue Claim Transactions to these accounts. The drafts have different check types. When a claim payment is made, the user can select "Check" or "Draft" from the Payment Form combo box. The system then assigns the correct Check Types / Accounts. The drafts are processed through Check Processing similar to Claim Checks.


This Help File provides a workflow of the process as well as step by step instructions for issuing a claim draft.

Workflow Diagram


Step 1 - Company Configuration Tool: Billing / Bank Account Setup

Before you can issue claim drafts, you need to set up a bank account. This is done in Company Configuration Tool: Billing / Bank Account Setup. Once you have accessed Bank Account Setup:



After entries and selections have been made, select Save. The bank account is added and displayed on the Bank Account Setup screen.

Step 2 - Company Configuration Tool: Company / Line of Business - Add a Bank Account & Bank Account Use

Next, you will need to establish your bank account and its use by company / state / line of business. This is also done in Company Configuration Tool. Access Company Configuration Tool / Company / and Edit your company. Once the General tab is open, click the Line of Business tab.



The bank name and account number are displayed in the list view. Make sure you click Save before exiting your company's set up information.

Step 3 - Administration: Users & Workflow Queues

For anyone issuing claims drafts, you will need to give them the authority to do this. Go to Diamond Administration / Users & Workflow Queues. Click User.


Step 4 - Administration: Process Checks

If you want Claim Drafts to be run in Check Processing, you can set up a job to only run those in Diamond Administration / Process Checks. Click Check Processing Wizard.


To set up (or add) a job:


Step 5 - System Settings (Optional)

If you do not want the Payment Form field on the Claim Transaction screen to default to "Draft," you can skip this step. Should you want the field to default to "Draft," you will need to access Diamond System Editor. Once there:


Step 6 - Claim System: Issuing a Claim Draft

Now that you have done all the steps leading up to issuing claim drafts, you are ready to start processing them. In the Claim System:


Step 7 - Administration: Process Checks / Check Processing Wizard

Go to Diamond Administration: Process Checks / Check Processing Wizard.