Medical and Injury Management


The Medical and Injury Management process in Diamond gives users the ability to track medical treatment, billing, wage and injury information for any line of business.



Step 1: System Settings

Step 2: Administration / User Setup

For each user needing access to Medical Information, the following authorities should be granted in the Claims Detail group:


Step 3: Diamond Administration / Claims / Medical Facility Maintenance

Here, users can add, edit and delete various medical facilities such as hospitals, rehab facilities, etc.

Add a Medical Facility

Step 4: Diamond Administration / Claims / Medical Provider Maintenance

Here, users can add, edit and delete various medical providers such as doctors, nurse practitioners, etc.

Add a Medical Provider


To assign a provider to a facility:


Step 5: Claim System / Loss Notice

Once a Loss Notice is submitted, users can begin entering medical information on a claimant.

Step 6: Claims / Medical Treatment Tab

Highlight the claimant the medical information will be entered for and click Edit. From the Medical tab, click the Medical Treatment tab / Add.


On this tab, users can select and enter information about the provider, facility and provider type, patients number, treatment start / end dates as well as narrative about the diagnosis and treatment plan. Save your information once entered.

Step 7: Claims / Medical Bill Tab

Here, all billing detail is maintained. Users can enter all preliminary information, save it then add any remaining information at a later date.

Step 8: Wage Tab

All wage information is maintained on this tab as well as occupation. employment status, employer. Similar to the Medical Bill tab, users can also enter preliminary information, save it and add any remaining information at a later time.

Step 9: Injury Tab

Specific information to an injury is entered here, such as injury summary, description, injury type category, body part category, nature of injury, cause of injury as well as diagnostic codes.