About Claims

The Diamond System includes comprehensive Claims Management. Claims are added to a policy using the New Claim screen. The New Claim screen records the policy number, loss date and, optionally, loss time. Detailed claim information is added on the Loss Notice screen.


Certain authorities are required when performing specific tasks in the Claims System. Currently, Claims has the following different groups of authorities listed in Administration: Users & Workflow Queues / User Setup. These groups include:



If you receive a message you are not authorized to do a specific function, please discuss this with your IT Department or supervisor.


System Settings in the Diamond System Editor can affect certain claim layouts and default values. The settings in the Diamond System Editor / Claims folder and sub folders are used for establishing many different aspects of claim handling in Diamond.


Fields having an asterisk (*) next to them are required for entry or selection in processing a claim. These fields provide necessary information.


The New Claim and Loss Notice screens are used to record general claim information for claim submission purposes. The Claim Tree View can be used to manage all claim related tasks.


Claim information can be accessed a number of ways:


Home Page: The Claims menu option contains:



Claim information can also be accessed using the Claims selection on the Quick Links Tree View from a client's policy.


The Loss Notice screen records:



The Claim Tree View displays all information such as: