Payroll Deduction


The Payroll Deduction function allows an insurance company to establish employers for the purpose of deducting payroll amounts from their employees on a pre-determined basis. The flowchart below shows a brief overview of how this process works in Diamond.

Workflow Diagram



This Help File discusses in detail, the steps needed in processing payroll deduction.

Step 1: Administration - Users & Workflow Queues (Authorities)

There are two (2) authorities needed for Payroll Deduction.


Step 2: Company Configuration Tool - Billing / Pay Plan Setup

Next, set up Pay Plans for payroll deductions. These are set up based on your company's requirements (i.e., specific to your implementation). You may consider establishing Pay Plans for both "New Business" and "Renewal" policies. Here's an example of a "New Business" Payroll Deduction Pay Plan that has 12 installments (i.e., the employee participating would have monthly deductions taken).










Set Up Installments

You will also need to set up installments for the Pay Plan. Because it is "12 Pay - Payroll Deduction," you need to set up 12 installments. Beginning with the first installment, here is how it would be done.



On subsequent installments, such as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 here is how the installments are set up:



Set up the remaining six (6) installments accordingly.

Step 3: Company Configuration Tool - Payroll Deduction Employer Setup

The first step in establishing the Payroll Deduction functionality is to add employers that are available for Payroll Deduction. This is done in Company Configuration Tool:Payroll Deduction Employer Setup. Information includes:


Step 4: Policy Processing - New Business / Renewals

Enter all information on a "new Business" or Renewal.

Step 5: Policy  / Billing Info Quick Link - Payroll Deduction Pay Plan

Once all information has been entered on a policy, select the Billing Info link in the Navigation Pane. Select Payroll Deduction as the Pay Plan. When "Payroll Deduction" is your Pay Plan, the Manage Payroll Deduction Info link is enabled. Record the following information:



Make sure you Save the information.

Step 6: Administration - Create Payroll Deduction Files

As part of the Payroll Deduction process, this function is used to create statements or export files for an employer. You have the option of creating the statements / export files for individual employers (by Group #) or for all employers. You may run this process as often as you choose as each time it is run, the payroll records are flagged, so the same policies are not selected again. It is entirely up to you as to how often you run this process, because it depends on how you have your Payroll Deductions set up (e.g., Weekly, Bi- Weekly or Monthly).


To create payroll deductions files:


  1. Access Administration / Create Payroll Deduction Files.

  2. On the Create Payroll Deduction Files screen:



  1. Next, in the column Available Employers highlight the employer you are creating the files for. Click the single right arrow (>) to move the employer to the Selected Employers column. If you wish to move all employers to the Selected column, click the double right arrows (>>). (Note: If you have made a mistake, you can highlight a single employer in the Selected column and click the single left arrow (<) to move them back to the Available column. If you wish to move ALL employers back to the Available column, click the double left arrows (<<).

  2. After you have made your employer selection, click Process at the top of the screen.


If there are records to be processed the system returns a confirmation screen: "Files exported successfully. " Click OK  to complete the process. Each record in the file contains the following information: Insured Name, Employee ID #, Amount and Policy Number.


If there are no records to be processed, Diamond returns a validation: "There were no records to report." Click OK  to complete the process.

Step 7: Diamond Accounting - Post Policy Payments (Batch)

Payroll deduction payments are posted "manually" using the Accounting Button / Policy Payment option. To post a payroll deduction payment:


  1. From the Cash Entry - Policy screen, select the Add Payment (s) button. The Cash Entry Detail - Policy screen displays.

  2. Make the following entries and selections:



  1. Repeat the procedure entering the Employee ID # as a Lookup value, Check Date, Amount, Source = Payroll Deduction, clicking the Save button after each payroll deduction is entered.

  2. When the last deduction has been entered, select Close to open the Cash Entry - Policy screen with all cash entered in the batch displayed.

  3. Reconcile all payroll deductions entered in the batch by entering an amount in the Required Batch Total field; click Post to update the deduction.


Once a payroll deduction has been posted, it is displayed on the Statement Display screen as a line item: Receipt = Payment, Type = Payroll Deduction and Amount = Minus sign (-) Dollar Amount.

Step 8: Implementation Specific Report (Optional)

You may need to identify a report that is specific to your company's needs that you can run showing policies that have not had a payroll deduction or those that have been "short paid." By "short paid," this would be the deduction amount that has not been adjusted for renewals or endorsements. Discuss your needs with your Insuresoft business analyst.